Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Leaving On a Jet Plane

After a short break at home I am now back in Fort Riley again. Last week we finished up our training and turned in the necessary equipment and completed our 'final' in training. Because our group has some of the youngest, lowest ranking people who have gone through the training here, we were watched a lot closer than others. However, the group of guys I'm with are first rate guys. We outperformed most of the other groups despite being under ranked.

Now we're all sitting here bored out of our minds waiting for our flight out of this place. We're all more anxious than ever just to get out of here and go find out exactly where we're going and what we're going to be doing. While we have been told where we're all going, everything is subject to change. I'm struggling to find anything interesting to write about right now as there is absolutely nothing going on. If I have Internet once I get in country, I'll update this a bit more frequently.


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