Sunday, August 10, 2008

well...let's get this started

Greetings to all. I've been asked by numerous people to start a blog or something to let people know what i am up to and what is going on in my life concerning my deployment. So being very unoriginal, I've decided to go the route my cousin Roger took when he used this same blog website to use when he was deployed to Iraq in 2006 with the United States Marine Corps. (I even am using the same background as Roger...sorry Roger). Please feel free to comment and question about what I am writing/doing. I can't promise how much I will have internet access once I am in Afghanistan but I will try and keep up. With all that being said, I guess I'll start.

Monday morning the 18th of August will be the start line of my deployment to Afghanistan. I will be sent down to Fort Riley, KS for a period of something like 75 days. At some point during that time I and my PMT (police mentor team) will be sent to a 2 week (I think) training event in California called NTC (national training center). In my time at Riley, my team will undergo Afghan culture and language training. This is because my team is going to be living alongside the Afghan police right in there villages from what we're being told. If it comes to your mind during the day, please pray for the safety of my whole 16 man team since we will be working directly with the Afghans.

One more note before I finish this post. I realize that most people don't have much exposure to Afghanistan as they do to Iraq. However, there are some differences in how you refer to them. In Iraq, they are called an Iraqi. In Afghanistan they are called an Afghan, or the Afghans. Most people (myself included) assumed that because you can add an i at the end of Iraq to label the people that you could for Afghanistan also, however this is not the case. Afghani is the Afghan form of currency. Apparently they get offended if you call them by there money.


Blogger Sista Jess said...

Hey Ry-I'll do the dutiful sister thing and come visit you in California! And then remember, I'll be over in Du Bais to see you at Christmas!
So glad to see you feel important enough to let the world know what you're thinking about-hahaha!

6:34 AM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

Glad to see you got this up and running so soon. I have to admit that when I typed in the address and hit enter I thought I'd typed in the address for mine out of force of habit (copycat!). Have fun in Ft. Riley!

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are now on my links bar, right next to "Hookin'and Jabbin'. That is pretty exclusive territory, as you are now 1 out of 4. Best of luck to you, and remember what I said in the card to you and at your party. God bless you! Sarah and I are looking into whether we can include your name in our church bulletin for prayers for active duty members of the armed forces. I've got a pretty good record when it comes to praying for the safety of members of my family who are going in harms way, so I will definitely pray for you and the members of your unit.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Uncle Ken, I would greatly appreciate it if I could be included in your church's bulletin for prayer. I know I am going to need the prayers and I've never heard of too much prayer. I will definetly keep in mind what you put in my letter, I will know more of what I need once I get in country and find out what I'm either missing or just plain need. And as always, I'll focus on the front sight. Roger got a kick out of that when I told him you said that to me.

6:46 PM  

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