Friday, August 29, 2008

Sick and Exhausted

Good news folks. I Have internet now that I'm assuming will work everyday. The picture to the left is of me (on the right) and a couple other guys right after we got all our body armor handed out to us. We put every piece on for the picture and then promptly tore the arm pieces off the armor. With those on, I feel like the kid from 'A Christmas Story' who couldn't put his hands down after his mom dressed him in all his clothes to keep him warm. If that wasn't bulky enough, that picture doesn't do it justice. Since then we've all added our pouches for magazines, grenades, and such. All in all, it's something like an average of 85 pounds of gear. I'm the grenadier for my team so I carry the M203 grenade launcher.

Today we moved out of our nice two man rooms to a forty man bay. While this severly stinks(figuratively and literally) we do have the trade off of having internet all the time (if it works) and being on the first floor. The last two days have been rough as my body is fighting off the small pox shot they gave us. I feel like I have the flu and am sleeping at every chance. I cannot wait until I get over this. The next few weeks it sounds like we're just sitting in briefings all day. I'm opting not to take my knife to these briefs for fear of trying to use them due to bordom and death by power point.

Until next time...


Blogger Roger W. said...

Good luck staying sane during those briefings. If they'll let you, bring along some small candy (like M&M's or Jolly Ranchers or something), it helps to stay awake. Hope you start feeling better. I certainly sympathize with you there, because I was sick for about a month of my training, and there's no worse place to be feeling miserable. My advice: take good care of your body and don't be afraid to talk to the docs. If your training's like mine was, you'll be much too active for any illnesses to go away on their own without being addressed directly. Good luck!

11:07 AM  

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